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Next Generation GX350 PPV Fan, Now with Negative Tilt

PRODUCT NEWS   Product: GX350 PPV Fan: GH5020   RAMFAN has upgraded their flagship PPV gas fan with several new features to provide increased frame durability, functionality with added negative frame tilt and adapters for using foam and ducting systems. The product engineering team takes input from firefighting end-users and dealers in producing product enhancements, […]

Why can’t rescue tool battery packs be used on a PPV fan?

When you peel back the obviously cool, headlining design features of IP67/68 ratings for immersion in water, you find that the two leading brands of rescue tools in the world both use similar battery pack design—electrically speaking. With nominal voltages of 25.2 VDC—or 28 VDC fully charged—both battery packs are built with a similar 7S […]

AMCA Verified Airflow in DC Power Supply for Battery-Powered Fans

We at Euramco Group constantly strive to build the best, most durable, high-performance ventilators for our customer’s specialty applications. In the fire market, the advent of battery-powered PPV fans has certainly disrupted the industry in many ways. New technologies have shifted engineering focus and supply chains. Simplicity of operation has led to the increase in […]